Another way to recruit crew members is to kill Dreadwing and purchase Pengwings.

Once you’ve completed whatever prerequisite you needed to in order to gain their favor, they’ll request permission to join your crew. You can get crew members simply by completing quests for them or by helping them in one way or another. How do I get more crew members in Starbound? When a crew member dies, they respawn on your ship. You can take crew members with you to explore planets or complete missions, but you won’t get their passive status effect while they’re in your party. How do I customize my crew in Starbound?.How do you talk to people in Starbound?.How do you get hyper rubber in Drednot io?.How do you delete a ship in Drednot io?.How do you get hyper rubber in Dredark?.How do I make my ship bigger in Dredark?.How do I get more crew members in Starbound?.It takes in pixels from your pixel ‘account’ and produces ‘pixel blocks’ that are safe from being lost when you die – as of update 1.0, converting pixels into voxels is now completely free. It costs 15 Durasteel bars and 15 Gold Bars to create.

The Pixel Compressor is crafted at the Research Station on your ship. How do you make a pixel compressor in Starbound?

Where do you find crew members in Starbound? How do you make a pixel compressor in Starbound?.Where do you find crew members in Starbound?.